Behind The Mike – War News Mistakes. ep11, 401124

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Everybody likes bloopers, but first, Graham MacNamee is connected to a live connection to London. Learn a little bit about wartime censorship, and what it's like to be a reporter in an air raid. <br> Oddities in Radio. Showing that the best announcers in radio make fluffs. Various slips of the tongue during news and weather reports are presented. Even Graham tells on himself with one of his fluffs. <br> A real live sponsor for Eddie Cantor and Mr District Attourney, Lee Bristol, tells how sponsors buy a program to sell their product. Programs are screened, the time slot is considered, as is the target audience. Trends and popularity with what the audience likes to tune into is also a consideration. <br> The Palmolive program is recreated, as the listener is taken back to a few moments in 1930. Palm Oliver plays while Olive Palmer sings opera. Catchy name huh? Olive is just a stage name for Virginia Raye<br> Remember that radio announcer audition from last week? Bill Huck is back to follow up. Did he get that job? <br> Sometimes a voice actor has to bow out at the last moment, and a replacement brought in. To demonstrate the professionalism of voice actors, 3 actors are given parts on the spot, and must read the script cold in a drama that is presented. All they have to go on is a brief description of their character, and away they go. <br>