NCN - Trump Mayhem (on KFJC)

				National Cynical Network Archives

Summary: Not all for laughs, but not all serious either!... RADIO SAFE and as it was broadcast live on KFJC on May 21st, 2017--Part of the month-long MAYhem series of Specials! The National Cynical Network (NCN), culls much media material from the past year's time in this special mix (of mixes) all about the 2016 political race and its current aftermath. We present a sumptuous distillation of many DIY mixes, remixes, covers, collages, parodies, digital deconstructions, send-ups and mashups created by obscure web artists from the public at large (including NCN itself) about all things Trump and more! Join us as we steer your eardrums through the realms of politics, 'fake news', PeeGate, the Post- Postmodern viral protest song, the spirit of resistance, the potential Apocalypse at hand... and beyond. - A grand 3-hour mix which reached the Number 4 spot on Mixcloud's comedy charts (out of 100 places)!