An Emotional Reset: I Belong (30 min)

Happy Mind: Meditations from the Ancient World to Modernity show

Summary: <p>Meditation can be a powerful technique to achieve self-mastery and thereby relieve suffering. Let's say you are feeling sad, or anxious, or lonely. Or maybe you get angry or scattered. These states of mind are nothing more than energy in a particular pattern. These patterns arise when you feel threatened. And one of the most common threats humans sense is the possibility of being kicked out of their group or rejected by their peers or family or lover. But you have a choice here. Whether it is conscious or not, you are the one choosing to manufacture those patterns. And in truth, the threat of being rejected by or ejected from your group is not such a real threat. Humans are self-existing and self-maintaining organisms. This means that your energy is one with the energy all around you and the energy throughout the universe. You just have to direct your awareness to that energy and choose to tap into that power. One way to reconnect to that power is through this concept we call belonging. You simply need to affirm your sense of belonging through your own will and your own imagination. And you need to do it with commitment and confidence and focus. So that is what you will be guided to do in this meditation.</p><br><p>(Note: in this meditation, when I use the word "belong" I don't mean it in the sense of "ownership." Rather, it is a in the sense of "membership." So when I say, for example, that you belong to your mother and father, this is a loving, energetic and genetic statement. Particularly if you have had fraught relations with one or both of your parents, don't get hung up on the thought of your "belonging" to them in any sort of negative or scary sense. Rather use it as an opportunity to open your heart to the love they they no doubt feel for you (or felt if they are no longer with us), even if they have never shown you that love.)</p><br><p>This is a 30 minute version of the I Belong guided meditation.  </p><br><hr><p style="color: grey; font-size: 0.75em;"> See <a style="color: grey;" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>