An Emotional Reset: I Belong (45 min)

Happy Mind: Meditations from the Ancient World to Modernity show

Summary: <p>The first step in achieving self-mastery involves an understanding that feelings are nothing more than energy patterns that your mind manufactures. And these are electrochemical patterns that you can control. In this meditation you are going to begin to learn to control those patterns by practicing the technique of directing your awareness to a sense of belonging and membership and safety. When you feel grounded in your group and your family and your history, this is the beginning of being aware of your connection to all energies and everything; ultimately you will feel the flow and the natural connection between your energy and the energy in the world around you. Affirming your membership to different people and groups is one way to activate that sense of connection or being in the flow of the universe. If you don’t start exercising your power, if you don’t start paying attention to energy, how are you going to know how much power you really have? If you don't start feeling connected to the universal flow, how will you ever conclude that you are limitless? That there are no problems other than the ones you manufacture in your own mind? One conclusion serves as the floor for the next one. So start by mastering the ability to belong to the groups you select. Your energy will change frequencies when you do this and you will start to resonate with the universal energy and flow. You're on your way!</p><br><p>(Note: in this meditation, when I use the word "belong" I don't mean it in the sense of "ownership." Rather, it is a in the sense of "membership." So when I say, for example, that you belong to your mother and father, this is a loving, energetic and genetic statement. Particularly if you have had fraught relations with one or both of your parents, don't get hung up on the thought of your "belonging" to them in any sort of negative or scary sense. Rather use it as an opportunity to open your heart to the love they they no doubt feel for you (or felt if they are no longer with us), even if they have never shown you that love.)</p><br><p>This is a 45 minute version of the I Belong guided meditation. </p><br><hr><p style="color: grey; font-size: 0.75em;"> See <a style="color: grey;" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>