Vitamin K2: The Missing Link Between Diet, Disease and Health

Body Science Podcast Series show

Summary: What you should know about Vitamin K2 – the little-known nutrient, deficient in 97% of Western populations. NattoPharma’s Chris Speed, nutritional scientist and dietician, talk with BSc’s Greg Young about the importance of K2 for young, old and athletes. What is it? Are you getting enough from your diet? Strongly tied to cardiovascular health and reduced risk of heart disease, bone density and prevention of osteoporosis, increased V02 max and athletic performance, energy and recovery, Vitamin K2 could be the supplement you didn’t know you needed. As always this information is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only – please discuss any information in this podcast with your health care professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.