5 for 5 | The Healthy Soul | Part 5

V1 Church show

Summary: How do you come out and admit/express that your Soul needs help? How is your soul helped? ANSWER: Having a healthy soul isn’t just about all the “things you do,” but the people you’re surrounded with and submitted to. 1 Corinthians 16:6-7 Paul surrendered even the small elements of his daily life. He really let go. He didn’t hold on tight and try to control every element. Our tendency is to control, but it’s an illusion. Jesus is in control. Even in Paul’s writings, he kept saying, “IF the Lord wills”… 1 Peter 5:6-7 I surrendered my life to you. I trust in you. This is an awesome, SANE place to live. 1 Cor 16:17-20 In one paragraph, Paul lists SEVERAL friends. He was so inundated with like-minded people that he named them off. Paul didn’t lose his way because he was surrounded by people who would let him! The truth is, it’s not about DOING a ton of amazing things, but being surrounded by an amazing community called V1 Church. Maybe you’re saying, “I don’t have all these friends….” Proverbs 18:1 A man who isolates, rages against all wise counsel. The only way to resist isolation is to have the awkward “hello” and the awkward, “my name is”….social settings are hard, and can get harder as you get older…but there’s a God you can trust, and he’s with you, and he’s going to surround you with people who genuinely love you. Matthew 16:18 I will build my COMMUNITY, my SPIRITUAL FAMILY and not even the gates of hell will prevail against it. Prayer for you: I can identify that there’s an area in my life where I can extend myself. I’m going to take my step. We believe that your soul will be so encouraged as you yield to God and surround yourself with people who are yielded to God as well.