Strategy Potluck 2 -The Potluckiest! - Episode 58

The Happy Hearthstone Podcast show

Summary: Hello! Matt is on the show this week Topic: Strategy Potluck! Reasons to be happy this week News: Warsong Commander nerf, BlizzCon! Organizing Fireside Gatherings Mastermind: Matt My experiences hosting Fireside Gatherings How to host your own Tips for hosting successful events Introducing WCS points + prizes The Fake Out Deck Mastermind: Dan 66% of the deck is aggro (mechs, murlocs) 33% is big fatties (Ragnaros, Klel’Thuzad) Possible to win outright with aggro, and by turn 7 they think they’ve stalled you out That’s when you start dropping the bombs and they’ve likely used all of their removal already Save The Best For Last Mastermind: Jayme It may not be intuitive, but you should play your worse minions first — even if they’re the same cost Playing the cards you card about less first will bait out the opponents’ removal That will let you play your best cards more safely later When a 1-Drop is not a 1-Drop Mastermind: Zorin I was helping my wife play Priest, and learned that Northshire Cleric isn’t always a good early drop Because you want to get more value out of it — especially on the turn that you play it, before they can react Another way to look at it: Some 1-drops have value throughout the entire game, not just at the beginning Have to always make the best choice for the factors you do know Mill Decks? Mastermind: Max I really liked playing Mill decks in Magic: The Gathering, but there doesn’t seem to be a good way to make one in Hearthstone Druid or Rogue are the best options Is there a better way to do it, like with Lorewalker Cho? How to Test Card RNG Mastermind: Josh You should test the actual odds of any RNG card you use frequently, to help you know how to best use it I’m happy with 100 test, which is actually easier to get than it sounds Build a specific deck that helps you test it faster. Include: Whatever cards you want to test, 30% card draw effects, no spell power, taunt, and heal effects Specialty cards: Lorewalker Cho (if testing spells), Chromaggus (any card), Faceless Manipulator (any card — use on Lorewalker Cho if testing spells) Play as Warlock if you can, for the card draw Play against the easy Priest AI — very little removal and very defensive Community Question: What are the actual odds on RNG cards like Imp-losion? iTunes Reviews Donations Chris Flores – $2/month The Dust Bowl We open card packs donated by listeners, and pick our favorites and least favorites on the show! Thanks to our supporters: Jake Crawford: 10 packs Card of the Week Farewell Contact Matt on Twitter and read his awesome Hearthstone articles on BlizzardWatch and his personal blog What you want to see in future episodes What hosts you want to visit the show