Developer Interview at BlizzCon 2015 - Episode 59

The Happy Hearthstone Podcast show

Summary: Hello! Blizzard Devs Yong Woo (Hearthstone, Senior Producer) and Erid Dodds (Hearthstone, Game Director) are on the show this week Topic: BlizzCon Reasons to be happy this week News: League of Explorers! The Interview League of Explorers Which adventurer would you team up with? Golden Monkey shenanigans Funniest new card business cards Community Question: What are the actual odds on RNG cards like Imp-losion? No iTunes Reviews Donations Do hand-shakes from developers count? Card of the Week Farewell Contact Yong Woo on Twitter and send your messages telepathically to Eric Dodds. What you want to see in future episodes What hosts you want to visit the show