Dreadsteed Card Guide - Episode 67

The Happy Hearthstone Podcast show

Summary: Hello! Chris is on the show this week Topic: Dreadsteeds all day, every day! Reasons to be happy this week News: Normal/Wild FAQ updated (Note, we list some names of the murloc/pirate cards needed on the show and not all of them are correct. You just need the classic cards to unlock the special cards!) The Dreadsteed Why makes this card special and interesting Synergies and class flavor The Lore of the Dreadsteed Crescendo and the flavor text Warlock mount in WoW Xoroth homeworld Headless Horseman Halloween event Behind-the-scenes Dev Story BFFs of the Dreadsteed Mal’Ganis Raid Leader Mortal Coil Power Overwhelming Sacrificial Pact Baron Rivendare Kel’Thuzad Others on the show! Natural Predators of the Dreadsteed Keeper of the Grove Ironbeak Owl Mass Dispel Others on the show! War Stories of the Dreadsteed We share some of his favorite moments playing with and against this card. Dreaming of the Dreadsteed We think up some potential new card ideas that would be fun to combo with Dreadsteed. Power of the Ages: Give a minion +1 attack and Deathrattle, pass this effect onto minions summoned from its Deathrattle. Endless Service: Sacrifice a minion. Add 2 copies of that minion to your hand. Community Question: None this week! iTunes Reviews Donations Jake: 7 card packs Card of the Week Farewell Contact Chris on Twitter and check out his photography! What you want to see in future episodes What hosts you want to visit the show