Completing the Journey (Journey to Un’Goro Review Part 2) - Episode 91

The Happy Hearthstone Podcast show

Summary: News Chat Community Reaction to Un’GoroLots of decks, lots of craziness, lots of fun Lots of disappointment (pack openings) Lots of wanting to hear from the devs IDEA: Would love to see a Tavern Brawl that rewards a Quest card of your choice (or 1600 dust if you have them all) Everyone got very excited about quest cards With more legendaries than ever before, it’s hard to get it all, or even guarantee 1 or 2 Makes budget decks more important than ever (Zoo and…?) The Art of Hearthstone coffee table book announced:   Dust Bowl episode We’ve weaved our choices into the review REVIEW TIME   Priest Awaken the Makers - 3 / X Tortollan Shellraiser - 3 / 4 Binding Heal - 3 / 2   Radiant Elemental - 5 / 4 Crystalline Oracle - 2 / 3 Mirage Caller - 3 / 2 Free From Amber - 2 / 3 Shadow Visions - 5 / 5 (Andrew’s to Keep) Curious Glimmerroot - 3 / 2 Lyra the Sunshard - 5 / 3     Hunter The Marsh Queen - 2 / X   Crackling Razormaw - 5 / 5 Jeweled Macaw - 4 / 4 Grievous Bite - 2 / 3 Raptor Hatchling - 1 / 2 Tol'vir Warden - 3 / 3 Terrorscale Stalker - 2 / 2 Stampede - 2 / 2 Dinomancy - 2 / 1 Swamp King Dred - 3 / 4 (Steve’s to Keep)     Druid Jungle Giants - 1 / X Verdant Longneck - 1 / 3   Tortollan Forager - 3 / 4 Elder Longneck - 1 / 0 Evolving Spores - 3 / 3 Earthen Scales - 4 / 3 Shellshifter - 3 / 4 Living Mana - 4 / 4 Giant Anaconda - 4 / 2 Tyrantus - 2 / 2     Rogue The Caverns Below - 4 / X   Hallucination - 5 / 4 Razorpetal Volley - 2 / 2 Razorpetal Lasher - 5 / 3 Mimic Pod - 3 / 3 Obsidian Shard - 2 / 2 Envenom Weapon - 1 / 3 (Andrew’s to Dust) Vilespine Slayer - 4 / 4 Biteweed - 2 / 1 Sherazin, Corpse Flower - 4 / 3     Warrior Fire Plume's Heart - 5 / X   Ornery Direhorn - 2 / 3 Tar Lord - 2 / 3 Iron Hide - 1 / 1 Molten Blade - 1 / 3 (Steve’s To Dust) Cornered Sentry - 2 / 3 Direhorn Hatchling - 4 / 4 Explore Un'Goro - 1 / 2 Sudden Genesis - 1 / 1 King Mosh - 2 / 3     Neutral Stegodon - 2 / 3   Ravasaur Runt - 4 / 4 Giant Wasp - 2 / 4 Stubborn Gastropod - 2 / 4 Sated Threshodon - 1 / 2 Emerald Reaver - 1 / 1 Giant Mastodon - 1 / 2 Nesting Roc - 4 / 4 Pterrordax Hatchling - 1 / 2 Rockpool Hunter - 5 / 3 Sabretooth Stalker - 1 / 1 Ultrasaur - 1 / 1 Eggnapper - 3 / 3 Devilsaur Egg - 4 / 3 Vicious Fledgling - 3 / 4 Golakka Crawler - 3 / 2 Humongous Razorleaf - 4 / 1 Volcanosaur - 2 / 4 Gluttonous Ooze - 3 / 2 Primordial Drake - 5 / 5 Charged Devilsaur - 2 / 3 Bittertide Hydra - 4 / 4 Bright-Eyed Scout - 2 / 1 Emerald Hive Queen - 2 / 1 Elise the Trailblazer - 4 / 5 Hemet, Jungle Hunter - 3 / 1 Spiritsinger Umbra - 4 / 2     Card of the Week Stonehill Defender - 5 / 4 Guest Plugs