Renewing the Newness - Episode 92

The Happy Hearthstone Podcast show

Summary: News Chat Hearthstone is celebrating 70 million unique players by giving everyone 3 free packs! All you need to do is login to your account, and you’ll be awarded those packs. A lot of people are reporting a high level of rarity in these packs, so you definitely want to grab em! :) I got Ozruk, golden Primalfin Champion, and another epic! It seems to be the month of the Wild in Hearthstone! Makes sense, the shiny new paint of Un’Goro has faded a bit, and it seems like a great time to start rolling out “Hey don’t forget about Wild, too” initiatives We just had Heroic Tavern Brawl Wild style, and that was a lot of fun to watch. I didn’t participate, but did you, Mark? Also, the top 64 ranks in legend in Wild will qualify for a special Wild tournament that Blizzard is hosting. Those are all the details we have, but if you see the pros playing Wild, that’s probably why. Heroes cardback rules have changed If you don’t pay attention to Heroes of the Storm, they just had a massive overhaul in just about every area of the game. And even if you’re not sure if you’ll ever play it, it’s worth downloading and jumping on briefly because they’re giving away 20 heroes to every player. Which is a TON of value. But the pretty Heroes cardback now requires you to get your level to 15 which means that you’ll have to gain 15 levels across all your different heroes. It sounds a little intimidating, but really isn’t that bad. And you could play all your matches against AI opponents if you want. Definitely worth checking out!   Topic - The New Player Experience 2 Months Before Mammoth After Mammoth Favorite Classes Tricky Things Ideas for the Future   Community Question No questions this week! Email us at to be featured in the next episode!   iTunes Review None :( Go check out our page and leave a quick review to let others know that you like the show! Card of the Week Servant of Kalimos   Guest Plugs