Video Game Logic 2018 E3 Extravaganza

Video Game Logic Podcast show

Summary: This week Shrink & Rage tackle the glut of gaming news from E3 with our annual E3 Extravaganza! Do you have feedback for the show, have a response for something we said, or something we should know about? Drop us an e-mail at stop by our Discord, or tweet us @VGLPodcast. Finally, if you wish to throw us some cash to help improve the show, and for various show related projects, you can do so by supporting our Patreon campaign. Show Highlights & Timestamps Microsoft (3:00) Bethesda (45:11) Devolver Digtal (1:14:33) PC Gaming (1:27:42) Sony (1:41:17) EA (2:19:24) Square Enix (2:42:59) Ubisoft (3:01:30) Nintendo (3:28:33) Closing Thoughts (3:46:45)