Video Game Logic Episode 126: VGL Game Club The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit

Video Game Logic Podcast show

Summary: This week Shrink & Rage hold the game club for The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit, then one piece of rather timely news. Do you have feedback for the show, have a response for something we said, or something we should know about? Drop us an e-mail at stop by our Discord, or tweet us @VGLPodcast. Finally, if you wish to throw us some cash to help improve the show, and for various show related projects, you can do so by supporting our Patreon campaign. Show Highlights September Game Club: The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit Next Game Club: Dwarf Fortress Telltale Games Shuts Down   News TellTale Closes Tech Raptor Article 1 Games Industry Biz Article 1 Tech Raptor Article 2 PC Games N Article Sales Figures Chart Games Industry Biz Article 2