Super Smash Bros Ultimate Hands-On, Smash Bros Cast Ep.25

Smash Bros Cast A Smash Bros Podcast show

Summary: Smash Bros CastThis is Smash Bros Cast Episode 25 I am your host N64Josh my co-host and sparring partner is NightCrawlr Countdown to Smash: As of 9/7    90 Days Smash News Super Smash Bros Ultimate News 20,000 person poll Smash Blog Talking points Hands-on Smash Bros Pax Listener Questions Kcross202What did you use to play joy cons or pro? And how did the buttons feel when playing? The_navillusHow fluid was Mario moves? Any difference from older versions of him. How was the Inkling? Was he/she hard to control? Was collecting ink in battle difficult? BradaloopHow does it compare to Smash Bros 4? Is it very different speed wise? Have combos drastically changed? How is the general gameplay compared to it? GeorgebryansWhat is Inkling’s playstyle? Is it hard to track her ink levels? Is her neutral b good?   Lake Douglas Dimmadome   “Wassup fella/fellas! I’ve got a smash bros cast question for ya! With Dark Samus making the roster that makes 3 versions of Samus. With 3 Links also included, Mario must feel slightly sad. Sad Mario, what do you think the chances might be that we get some kind of Paper Mario announcement this year as the “2-D Mario game” with a new smash fighter inclusion? Dr. Mario is cool and all but they could really have some fun with a paper Mario move set, and for Mr. Nintendo (Mario) to have fewer forms than Link and Samus I think Sakurai might have some Paper Mario action in the works. Let me know what you guys think!” I know you mentioned the people you played with all took time to try some small things out before you started playing, did you spam roll to see what the lag became? Did the cinematic camera come into play for a “hard hit” was it distracting at all Smash Tips: Scot96 Start of game/Neutral -Jab -Walk -Shield on approach, be wary of powershield timing. -Look for shield, grab. -Projectile to force a shield or jump. -Focus on frame data. How to Git Gud from GameSkinny Smash Boards Beginners Guide Eurogamer's Beginners Guide Event Hubs Character Move List Super Smash Academy on Youtube Checkout RichaadEB's Metal Melee  Connect with me Join N64Josh Discord Help Support The Show Check out my Patreon  Check out the official chair of the Nintendo Power CastUse Code N64JOSH Get your free audio book from Audible and help support this cast. Follow the hosts on Twitter @N64Josh Facebook Page @NightCrawlr724 Podcast Links iTunes Podbean Google Play Stitcher Patreon Supporters Necrophobic Campbell RustBeltKid HyrulianJulian