Potential Millionaire TV, Althea Saunders-Ranniar- ACFE 2015

Potencial Millonario an Audio Dice Podcast Network in Spanish (Español) show

Summary: In today's episode of Potential Millionaire TV,  Althea Saunders-Ranniar share her experience on the Annual Conference for Financial Education 2015 hosted by the Institute for Financial Literacy.  If you are a financial educator this is a must attend conference.  I would venture to say that it is one venue where subject matter experts meet to learn and grow along with others about financial literacy education.  The conference for financial education has numerous tracks which you can follow as they are of interest for your needs.  We at the Potential Millionaire invite you to live the experience   at the upcoming ACFE 2016 conference.  If you want updates and more information visit: https://financiallit.org/Source: MDcash.orgAlthea Saunders-Ranniar is committed to continually improving the quality and availability of financial education and services for residents of Southwest Baltimore. Althea has an MBA from the University of Baltimore and nearly two decades of experience providing financial stability services including financial education, coaching, benefit screening, and tax preparation. She’s a long-time user of the Asset Platform, and even helped to advise Maryland CASH and the Aspen Institute on how to bring it to Baltimore for the Financial Stability Pathway Project. Althea recommends that first-time users take a tour of the Asset Platform and really look through the different resource categories to see what might be useful for work with their clients. In the future, she’d like to see a social networking component added so that FSP practitioners can share their successes and questions with one another: a community of practitioners working together to empower Baltimore City residents to earn, keep, and save their money.