#53 - Cutting out Sugar with Sour, Building Your Bile, The signs of Menopause w/ Best Selling Author and Nutritionist Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman

Waist Away: The Intermittent Fasting Podcast show

Summary: Hey guys! Welcome back to another episode of Waist Away: The Intermittent Fasting Podast! Today we have Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman is an award-winning nutritionist and New York Times Best Selling Author of over 30 Books on health and nutrition including diet, detox, women’s health, men’s health, perimenopause, menopause, beauty, and the environment. SELF Magazine recognized her as one of the Top 10 Notable Nutritionists in the United States and she’s known as the First Lady of Nutrition. It is an HONOR have her on the show! All the links you need to know and that we mentioned are down below! Enjoy the show!   Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman's Website: https://annlouise.com/ Bile Builder: https://unikeyhealth.com/products/bile-builder Video Version: https://youtu.be/uA73BP9Kb4M Listener Questions: Q1 - 6:30 Q: I have heard so much fuss about Fats lately. When I was growing up, my parents always bought Low-Fat versions of everything, I’ve always tried to avoid fats like the plague! But now I hear more and more people talking about fats being healthy for you, which is just hard for me to understand. What makes fat healthy? And what are some of the best sources of fats I should be eating? -Molly in New York Q2 - 10:38 Q: I am so excited for Dr. Gittleman to come on the podcast because I want to talk to someone about perimenopause. I am only 40, but I have noticed over the past year or so my period has become very erratic. I’ve been pretty consistent with my period my whole life. Another thing I’ve noticed is a major decrease in my sex drive. 40 seems a little young to me to be going through the change already, none of my girlfriends seem to be experiencing the same thing. My gyno says that everything is normal. Is this early to be transitioning into menopause? What are some foods that I can eat, supplements I should take, things I should be doing to make the transition go more smooth? -Jeanette in Knoxville Q3 - 12:34 Q: I am 45 and I think that I am in the early phases of Menopause. I am debating the pros and cons of Hormone Therapy. My Doctor is really pushing it but I have read some opposing viewpoints online. What is your opinion? I am also curious, when can I safely stop taking birth control? -Mary in Delaware Q4 - 15:41 Q: After reading your book, I am working really hard to cut back my sugar. I am so shocked as I learn more about all the things that have hidden sugars! What are some tricks I can use to spot out these hidden sugars, and some keywords I should be looking for when I am scanning labels? I don’t have time to do a deep dive research on every single food I eat! -Olivia in Newport News Q5 - 17:35 Q: I went to the Doctor for a hemorrhoid, which is embarrassing, and he told me I wasn’t getting enough fiber. I eat a good bit of kale, arugula, and broccoli, and think my diet is pretty well rounded. Should I be taking a fiber drink? What are some other foods I should be eating? Unfortunately, I get hemorrhoids at least once a year, and I really want to know what I should be doing to prevent them. -Anonymous Q6 - 21:42 Q: I recently had weird aches and pains in my arms and legs and something that I read online told me I needed to increase my salt intake. I drank some salt water and immediately felt better, it was so odd! I am confused because I usually hear that I need to stay away from salt and sodium, esp if I am trying to lose weight. But as I started reading more online, I am finding that a lot of diets, esp the Keto diet, encourage salt. I feel really puffy when I eat a lot of salt and can’t imagine it is good for you. What’s the verdict? -Terri in Long Beach Q7 - 23:05 Q: I have figured out by the process of elimination that my body really doesn’t respond well to dairy. I cut it out a couple months ago and I feel so much better, my skin has cleared up, I have more energy, and I am much more regular in the bathroom. I keep going back to the commercials that say “Milk does a body good”…growing up it was hammered in me that we needed to drink milk for calcium. What are some good ways that I can be sure I am getting calcium without cutting out milk? -Brenda in Lynchburg Q8 - 24:16 Q: Can you explain the difference in Saturated Fats and Unsaturated fats? Am I supposed to be eating both of these? How many fats should I have each day? -Katie in Lexington Q9 - 26:04 Q: As you suggested in the podcast, I am waking up in the morning and I am taking my blood sugar and it ranges from 95-100 in the fasted state. I’ve read different things online that say this is considered pre-diabetic, and others that say this is normal- what are your thoughts? Should I be concerned, and what should I try to do in order to lower this naturally? -Tammy in Grand Rapids Q10 - 28:42  Q: I went to a Kinesiologist that my friend recommended to me, and he said that I have a lot of toxic metals in my body. I don’t really understand what this means. How did I get them, and what are some things I can do to get rid of them? Is there a way that I can test the metals myself? -Andrea in St Petersburg  Q11 - 30:40 Q: My husband refuses to use my “hippy” toothpaste as he calls it, and I can’t get him to try a non-fluoride toothpaste. Do you think it is a big deal to use non fluoride toothpaste? I have gotten a little paranoid lately and am concerned about the Fluoride levels in the water at my house as well. Should I be? -Kim in St Louis  Q12 - 32:48 Q: I am in Real Estate (like you!) and so as you can understand, I am ALWAYS on my cellphone. I’ve been reading about EMF poisoning lately and it is starting to freak me out. Am I better off talking on speaker phone, or using headphones? -Cara in South Carolina   --------------------------------------- To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay     Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/  Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay   ***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***