#59 - Getting in the "Mood", Taking Hormones, and Why is My Period Insane? w/ Dr. Mariza Snyder

Waist Away: The Intermittent Fasting Podcast show

Summary: Dr Mariza Snyder is a Women’s Hormone Practitioner, Wellness Advocate, and best-selling author of 6 books, and podcast host of “Essentially You”. It is such an honor to have her on the show today!  Tell us a little about your personal health journey, and how you got started and became passionate about helping other women? You talk about your plant-based diet, and we have a lot of listeners who are vegan as well. How long have you been eating this way, and what led you to make the decision to change your diet?  Dr. Mariza Snyder's Website: https://www.drmariza.com/  Video Version: https://youtu.be/DmNlmrAJa88   Listener Questions: Q1 - 6:00 In my 20’s and teens, my period wasn’t a problem, but I recently turned 30 and my periods have been out of this world heavy, painful, and crampy. What are some of the best natural remedies, and oils that I can use to help alleviate the symptoms? * Jayme in Richmond  Q2 - 8:49 I am in my early 40’s and have been researching my different options as far as hormones I should be taking. Recently, I came across something online about Bio Identical Hormones, which some people seem to be arguing are a safer route to take than traditional hormones. Do you have any experience with Bio Identical Hormones, and do you recommend them to your patients? What is your opinion on the risks associated with traditional hormone replacement therapy? -June in New York Q3 - 10:47 Lately I’ve been hitting the worst afternoon slump around 2pm. I have been very mindful about what I eat for lunch, in hopes this would help…trying not to eat anything too heavy or with too much sugar , I even try not eating sometimes, but no matter what I do ,no matter how much I slept the night before or if I got my workout in that morning, I hit this slump. I am wondering now if it is something hormonal, because that’s the only thing I can not rule out. If it is hormonal, what could I do to help? I need my afternoons to be productive at work, and in the evenings I have activities with my kids and church stuff, so I need a solution! -Margaret in Monterrey Q4 - 12:55 In your podcast with Dr. Wolfson, he talked about a supplement that helps men in the sexual department, but my husband is like yours, he doesn’t need that. I on the other hand, have had a really hard time getting in the mood since I had my son about a year ago. Once we get going, I am fine, but I really struggle to get that desire or to get excited like I used to. Are there any essential oils or natural things I could try to help me get revved up? * Anonymous Q5 - 15:18 I can not STAND the taste of coffee but I am really jealous of everyone who gets their morning caffeine boost, and afternoon pick me up. I tried caffeine pills but they made me crazy. What is a good natural energy boost that I can drink or take? -JoAnne in TX Q6 - 16:50 I am 42 and have not experienced anything that I can identify as a symptom of menopause. My sister is a couple years older than me, and she is a big proponent of taking hormones. She is trying to get me to see my doctor and get started, but I don’t see the need because my period is still regular, my sex life is great (HA), and I am not experiencing any hot flashes, mood swings, etc. Do you think that I need to get ahead of the curve and start some sort of treatment, or just wait until I start noticing “the change”. - Kerry in Missouri Q7 - 18:08 I am a big fan of the Keto Diet- which is low carb and high fats. I LOVE how I feel when I am eating this way, and one of the things I love is that it seems to keep my period really regular…. I have PCOS and this isn’t something that I experience when I am not really following this diet. The only thing that stinks is my period is INSANELY heavy! Heavy flow, intense cramps that go down my entire thighs and into my back. I was reading online that this could be brought on by increased fats, so I am trying to be mindful of that during my period. Do you think that is the case or could it be something else? What are some foods I should focus on eating right before my period and during it that will help make it less extreme? Are there supplements I should be taking? I do NOT like to take birth control and that is not an option for me to help regulate. -Alison in Montreal   To learn more about the principles of intermittent fasting, purchase Chantel's book, Waist Away: The Chantel Ray Way NOW by visiting http://amzn.to/2CVmTgs YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCteFjiVaY6n0SOAixcyZbWA Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheChantelRayWay     Things we love: https://chantelrayway.com/things-i-love-2/  Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheChantelRayWay  ***As always, this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and is for information purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current lifestyle.***