233 -Stigma and Discrimination Prevention

Counselor Toolbox Podcast show

Summary: <p>Reducing Stigma and Discrimination<br> Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes Ph.D., LMHC, LPC-MHSP<br> Podcast Host: Counselor Toolbox and Happiness Isn’t Brain Surgery<br> Objectives<br> ~ Define stigma and discrimination<br> ~ Explore the protections under the ADA<br> ~ List several ways our consumers are stigmatized or discriminated against<br> ~ Identify ways to fight discrimination<br> Data<br> ~ People experiencing mental health conditions often face rejection, bullying and discrimination. This can make their journey to recovery longer and more difficult.<br> ~ Mental health conditions are the leading cause of disability across the United States.<br> ~ Even though most people can be successfully treated, less than half of the adults in the U.S. who need services and treatment get the help they need.<br> ~ The average delay between the onset of symptoms and intervention is 8-10 years.<br> What is Stigma<br> ~ People who have identities that society values negatively are said to be stigmatized<br> ~ Thanks to stigma, people living with mental health conditions are:<br> ~ Alienated and seen as “others.”<br> ~ Perceived as dangerous.<br> ~ Seen as irresponsible or unable to make their own decisions.<br> ~ Less likely to be hired.<br> ~ Less likely to get safe housing.<br> ~ More likely to be criminalized than offered health care services.<br> ~ Afraid of rejection to the point that they don’t always pursue opportunities.</p> <p>Common Stigma Associated with Mental Illness<br> ~ Dangerous<br> ~ The major determinants of violence continue to be<br> ~ Socio-demographic and economic factors<br> ~ Substance abuse, whether it occurs in the context of a concurrent mental illness or not<br> ~ historical (past violence, juvenile detention, physical abuse, parental arrest record)clinical<br> ~ contextual (recent divorce, unemployment, victimization) factors.<br> ~ It is far more likely that people with a serious mental illness will be the victim of violence<br> ~ Research has focused on the person with the mental illness, rather than the nature of the social interchange that led up to the violence<br> STUART, H. (2003). Violence and mental illness: an overview. World Psychiatry, 2(2), 121–124.</p> <p>Common Stigma Associated with Mental Illness<br> ~ Lazy<br> ~ 60 percent of the 7.1 million people receiving public mental health services nationwide want to work NAMI<br> ~ Susan (not her real name) received SSDI and SSI with mental health services covered by Medicare and Medicaid. As her recovery from bipolar disorder progressed, she went back to work part-time. Despite the fact that she enjoyed her job and her employer was pleased with her performance, she resigned after seven months because she did not want to lose the medical benefits that paid for the care she needed. She is no longer seeking paid work.<br> ~ Dirty<br> ~ Diseased<br> ~ Weak willed</p> <p>Mental Illness Myths<br> ~ There's no hope for people with mental illnesses.<br> ~ I can't do anything for a person with mental illness.<br> ~ People with mental illnesses are violent and unpredictable.<br> ~ Mental illnesses don't affect me.<br> ~ People with mental illnesses cannot tolerate the stress of holding down a job.<br> ~ Therapy and self-help are a waste of time. Why bother when you can just take a pill?<br> ~ Children don't experience mental illnesses. Their actions are just products of bad parenting.</p> <p>Addiction Myths<br> ~ Addicts are bad, crazy, or stupid.<br> ~ Addiction is a willpower problem.<br> ~ Addicts should be punished, not treated, for using drugs.<br> ~ People addicted to one drug are addicted to all drugs.<br> ~ Addicts cannot be treated with medications.<br> ~ Addiction is treated behaviorally, so it must be a behavioral problem.<br> ~ Alcoholics can stop drinking simply by attending AA meetings, so they can't have a brain disease.<br> What Perpetu</p>