Over 100 Podcast Guest Interviews in Under One Year: How Phil Singleton Did It

Sure Oak: Digital Marketing, SEO, Online Business Strategy, & More show

Summary: <br> How to reach out to Phil Singleton:<br> <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/seokansascity/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> </a> <a href="https://twitter.com/kcseopros" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> </a> <a href="https://kcseopro.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a><br> Why would anyone want to be a podcast guest?<br> Well, according to the CEO of <a href="https://kcwebdesigner.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Kansas City Website Design and SEO</a>, Phil Singleton, podcast guesting is one of the most efficient and cost-effective tactics for achieving SEO and marketing gains. That is, compared to more commonly employed link-building and lead-generation strategies, podcast guesting has typically required less effort in order to achieve meaningful results.<br> Be a Podcast Guest and Reap the Benefits<br> Phil Singleton has been featured as a guest in over 100 different podcast interviews this past year, alone. His extensive experience sharing his knowledge as a guest expert on various podcasts has allowed him to refine his general process.<br> Phil originally wanted to be a podcast guest as a way of ‘testing the water’ before creating his own production. Appearing on his first show was simple for Phil. He sat in his usual office, at his regular chair, and comfortably shared his expertise with <a href="https://thewpchick.com/podcast/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Kim Doyal</a> and her listeners.<br> With the interview out of the way, Phil was not sure what to expect. However, it soon became clear that filming the interview would be the easiest step to finishing Kim’s podcast. Kim and her team worked to have graphics made, organized the appropriate backlinks, and prepared clips to promote through social media.<br> Phil was stunned. Even though he was not directly involved in the post-production hustle, Phil realized he would reap many of the same benefits, just for appearing as an expert on her show.<br> Seeking a way to help out and achieve even more value, Phil suggested writing up a long-form blog post to accompany the podcast. Phil realized that he could gain a lot of value if he could be a guest on a podcast and then reciprocate by aiding with marketing efforts.<br> How to Find Podcasts Looking for Guests (and Be Featured!)<br> Even with 100s of episodes of experience behind him, Phil believes anybody could be a guest on a podcast. Currently, Phil enjoys the help of his team of bookers to set appointments and find podcasts looking for guests. Still, the process of becoming a podcast guest does not require specialized skills or talent.<br> Phil has a few tips for those wondering how to find podcasts looking for guests:<br> 1. Identify What Shows You Would Like to Be On<br> You cannot be a guest on a podcast without knowing what shows are out there. Just conducting internet research is a good way to find podcasts looking for guests. Phil suggests rifling through iTunes and other sites with broad podcast libraries available.<br> When researching podcasts, consider what industries and niches are addressed. Phil explains how in this case, maintaining a very narrow niche may limit your opportunity. Broaden your scope and consider appearing as a guest on general business podcasts as a niche expert.<br> 2. Build A Database of Opportunities<br> Once you have an idea of what shows might be a good fit for the information you have to share, it is time to create a database. You may need to continue your research in order to locate the proper contact information and process for submission for each show.<br> 3. Create A One-Sheet<br> Like a resume, your one-sheet should showcase some of your greatest achievements and talents. However, the one-sheet needs to be concise and simple for your podcast host to read.<br> Make it easy for the podcast host to determine whether or not a collaboration will be possible by introducing you...