272 -Parenting Skills

Counselor Toolbox Podcast show

Summary: Parenting Skills CEUs are available for this presentation at https://allceus.com/webinar Objectives • Identify 6 key areas of child development • Describe characteristics of children in 4 stages of development • Identify key principles to help you effectively work with/parent children. Developmental vs. Chronological • Culture, environment, health and personality impact developmental age. • Maslow 6 Ways Children Grow Piaget in a Nutshell • Thinking, Reasoning and Problem Solving • Pre-operational • Concrete Operational • Formal Operational Erikson in Brief • Love and Belonging, Self-Esteem • Autonomy vs. Shame • Industry vs. Inferiority • Identity vs. Role Confusion Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development • Level 1: Preconventional: Focus on the Self • Punishment and Obedience: Can I do it and not get caught? • Personal Benefit: What makes ME happiest? • Level 2: Conventional: Focus on Others • Conforming to the will of the group. What makes others happy/gets me approval? • Authority and Social Order: What does society say I should do? • Level 3: Post-Conventional: Focus on the Principles • Social Contract and Human Rights: Do the rules need to be changed to fit the current culture? • Universal Ethical Principles: What is the most compassionate and ethical choice? Common Observations: Preschool • Biological Needs • Sleep: 10-13 hours quality sleep • Exercise: 30 minutes of structured physical activity and at least 60 minutes of unstructured physical activity daily • Nutrition: ~1400 calories • Piaget–Cognitive Needs: Concrete Operational • Use concrete examples: How would you feel if….? • Egocentric: Help clarify what is and is not the child’s doing… • All or Nothing; Always or Never. Difficulty with sometimes. • Clarify Media: Truth vs. Fiction and Ongoing vs. Reruns Common Observations: Preschool • Love, Belonging and Esteem Needs –Erickson: Initiative vs. Guilt • Love and Belonging Needs (UPR) • Self-Esteem Needs: What can the child do? Dislike behaviors not children. • Kohlberg–Social/Moral Reasoning • Instrumental purpose (good deal) • Safety Needs Common Observations: Preschool • Strong attachment to home and family • Short interest span • Short attention span • Aware of self and own desires • Imaginative (animism) • Curious • Seeks repetition of enjoyable activities • Boys and girls readily play together • Depends on adults for getting needs met • Needs consistency • Thrives on structure Common Observations Elementary • Biological Needs • 9-12 hours of sleep • Nutrition: 1600-2000 calories • Moderately active 60 minutes a day, at least five days a week or have at least 11,000 daily activity steps on a pedometer • Piaget–Cognitive Needs: Concrete operational thought • Still needs concrete examples • Less all-or-nothing thinking • Love, Belonging and Self-Esteem– Erickson: Ability to master and complete tasks/sense of accomplishment • Emphasize goodness of the child • Model positive expectations • Teach acceptance of failures • Encourage calculated risk taking Common Observations Elementary • Kohlberg–Social/Moral Reasoning: Interpersonal Accord and Conformity (Being good and living up to what others expect of you) • Openly communicate about expectations and their rationale • Identify who “others” are • Reward conformity to expectations • Safety Needs • Safe, independent exploration (Scouts, sports teams, hobbies) • Cohesiveness in the environment: A feeling of confidence that one's internal and external environment is predictable and that things will probably work out as well as can be reasonably expected Common Observations Elementary • Longer attention span • Difficulty managing boredom • Provide positive alternatives • Still short interest span • Encourage Exploration • Aware of others and willing to share • Desires acceptance from peers • Expresses self freely in play and art • Help child put words to expressions • Wants everyone to obey rules • Explore feelings related to nonconf