275 -Recovery Oriented Systems of Care

Counselor Toolbox Podcast show

Summary: Recovery Oriented Systems of Care Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes PhD, LPC-MHSP Executive Director: AllCEUs Counselor Continuing Education Podcast Host: Counselor Toolbox, Addiction Counselor Exam Review & Happiness Isn’t Brain Surgery Objectives • Define a Recovery Oriented System of Care • Discuss the 17 Elements of a ROSC • Explore the Guiding Principles of Recovery Recovery Oriented Systems of Care • Affirms the real potential for permanent resolution of behavioral health problems • Offers solutions to behavioral health problems on a community and cultural level • Shift away from risk management and relapse prevention toward encouraging clients to self-define goals and take responsibility for achieving them • A shift from emergency room/acute care model to one of sustained recovery management which include wrap-around recovery support services Recovery Oriented Systems of Care • Emphasis on • Post-treatment monitoring • Stage-appropriate recovery education • Peer recovery coaching • Assertive linkages to recovery communities • Early re-intervention • Maintaining functional ability in all life activities • Recovery in illness instead of recovery from illness Recovery Oriented Systems of Care • Goals • Foster health and resilience activities • Increase permanent housing and sense home/belonging • Ensure gainful employment and access to education to provide a sense of purpose • Enhance communities by increasing availability of necessary supports from and for peers/family/community • Reduce barriers to social inclusion • Counselor functions • Identify gaps in services • Identifying emerging trends and needs • Monitor system effectiveness ROSC Guiding Principles • Recovery emerges from hope and is… • Person-centered – self-efficacy, self-direction • Non-linear, and occurs via many pathways (methods) • Holistic – mind, body, spirit, community • Supported by peers and allies (counselors/case workers) • Supported through relationships and social networks (family, peers, faith groups, community) • Culturally based and influenced • Supported by addressing trauma • Based on respect of individual, family and community strengths and responsibilities ROSC Guiding Principles • Recovery emerges from hope and… • Involves a personal recognition of the need for change and transformation • Involves a process of healing and self-redefinition • Exists on a continuum of improved health and wellness • Involves addressing discrimination and transcending shame and stigma • Involves (re)joining and (re)building a life in the community • Is a reality Elements of a ROSC • Person-centered, strengths-based, individualized providing integrated, comprehensive services across the lifespan • Inclusive of family and other ally involvement • Anchored in the community • Continuity of care • Partnership-consultant relationships • Culturally responsive /Responsive to personal belief systems • Commitment to peer recovery support services for client and families • System-wide education and training • Ongoing monitoring and outreach • Outcomes driven • Research based • Adequately and flexibly financed. Recovery Management • Spans 3 phases • Prerecovery identification and engagement • Recovery initiation and stabilization • Recovery maintenance Recovery Oriented Systems of Care • 3 core components • Collaborative decision making /individual empowerment • Continuity of services and supports • No wrong door • Services available as long as needed • Service quality and responsiveness • Evidence based • Developmentally and culturally appropriate • Gender specific • Trauma informed • Family focused • Stage appropriate Players • Individual • Family • Peers • Community • Transportation • Civic organizations • Community coalitions • Housing • Childcare providers • Business community • Educational system • Veteran’s affairs • Criminal justice (courts, cops, jails, P&P) • Physicians • Counselors • Clergy • Financial counselors • Social services Creating a Recovery Oriented Enviro