16 -Treatment Planning Using the MATRS and ASI

Counselor Toolbox Podcast show

Summary: Treatment Planning with the MATRS and ASI Instructor; Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes Executive Director, AllCEUs Counselor Education and Training Podcast Host: Counselor Toolbox, Addiction Counselor Exam Review & Happiness Isn’t Brain Surgery Objectives • Examine how Addiction Severity Index information can be used for clinical applications and assist in program evaluation activities. • Identify differences between program-driven and individualized treatment planning processes. • Gain a familiarization with the process of treatment planning including considerations in writing and prioritizing problem and goal statements and developing measurable, attainable, time-limited, realistic, and specific (M.A.T.R.S./SMART) objectives and interventions. • Define basic guidelines and legal considerations in documenting client status. ASI • Medical Status • Life interference • Due to addiction • Assessed need for medical intervention • Education, Employment, Finances • Level of education • Occupational hx forever and last 30 days • Drivers license/transportation • Sources of financial support • Dependents • Perception of employment / financial issues • Assessed need for employment counseling ASI • Alcohol/Drug Use • Drugs (addictive behaviors) used, pattern and method • Amount of money spent • Which drugs (behaviors) most problematic • Voluntary abstinence – When, for how long, how and what triggered relapse • Hx of medical problems due to use • Treatment Hx • Perception of the need for treatment • Assessed need for treatment ASI • Legal status • Probation or parole • Is treatment court mandated • Are you awaiting trial / pending charges • Catalog charges and frequency • How many charges are addiction related • How many charges resulted in convictions • How many times have you been incarcerated? • How many days in the last 30 have you been in jail • Perception of legal problems • Assessed need for legal services/counseling ASI • Family/Social History • Identify history of addiction or psychiatric issues in 1st and 2nd degree family members • Marital status and satisfaction • Living arrangements and satisfaction (Recovery environment) • Use of alcohol or drugs in the household • With whom do you spend most of your time • Who are your close friends • Have you had serious difficulty getting along with any first degree family member, coworker or friend • Trauma/abuse history • Perception of interpersonal problems • Assessed need for family/social counseling ASI • Psychiatric • How many times hospitalized • Number of times ever and 30 days you have experienced depression, anxiety, hallucinations, cognitive difficulties, suicidal ideation, • Are you on or have you ever been on psychiatric medications • Perception of psychiatric issues • Assessed need for mental health counseling Process Review • An assessment is conducted. • Data and information are collected from the client, collateral sources, and assessment scales. • Problems are identified. • Readiness for change for each problem is identified • Problem statements are prioritized. • Goals are created that address the problems. • Objectives to meet the goals are defined • Interventions are revised or changed based on client response to treatment Treatment Plan Overview • Developed at admission and continually updated • Individualized • Problem statements are • Nonjudgmental • Not jargony “denial” “resistant” “Codependent” • Goals must be • Specific • Measurable (as evidenced by) • Achievable • Relevant • Time limited (achievable by the end of treatment) Treatment Plan Overview • Program-driven plans • Are one-size-fits all • Reflect the components and/or activities and services available in the program • Individualized Treatment Plan is “Sized” to Match Client Needs • Not all clients have the same needs or are in the same situation. • The individualized treatment plan is made to “fit” the client based on her/his unique: • Abilities • Goals • Lifestyle • Socioeconomic realities • Work history • Educa