20 – Counseling Special Populations | Addiction Counselor Exam Review Podcast

Counselor Toolbox Podcast show

Summary: Addiction Counselor Exam Review Episode 20 Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes, PhD, LPC-MHSP, LMHC Executive Director: AllCEUs Counselor Education Podcast Host: Addiction Counselor Exam Review, Counselor Toolbox and Happiness Isn’t Brain Surgery Specific population considerations ~ Aspects of the client’s identity may influence the client’s substance using behavior, the responsiveness to treatment, and the recovery process ~ These factors include race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, and the presence of co-occurring disorders including trauma ~ Rather than placing a person and established treatment slot treatment providers are learning the importance of modifying in adapting services to meet an individual client’s needs ~ SAMHSA has produced multiple publications that dealt in depth into the treatment needs and recommended practices for specific types of disorders and or populations Specific populations continued ~ Substance abuse treatment programs typically reported 50 to 75% of their clients have co-occurring disorders ~ Medical settings site proportions of 20 to 50% ~ The term co-occurring disorders replaces the terms dual disorder or dual diagnosis ~ Co-occurring disorders refers to co-occurring substance use and mental disorders ~ A diagnoses of a co-occurring disorder occurs when at least one disorder of each type can be established independent of the other ~ Review SAMHSA TIP 42 for more information Specific populations continued ~ Criminal justice ~ For many people in need of substance abuse treatment contact with a criminal justice system is the first acknowledgment of the need for treatment or opportune did you receive services ~ Longstanding patterns of poor coping skills, criminal values and beliefs, lack of education, and minimal job skills may require an intensive treatment approach particularly among offenders with a prolonged history of substance abuse and crime ~ Addiction professionals must be able to communicate effectively with judges, probation officers, and other criminal justice system personnel functioning as a community treatment team ~ Leaders in both criminal justice and treatment systems need to develop shared goals and clear systems of care for addicted offenders both while they are incarcerated in after their release Specific populations continued ~ HIV and AIDS ~ HIV is most efficiently transmitted through the exposure to contaminated blood ~ injection drug users represent the largest HIV infected substance abusing population in the United States ~ Sexual contact is another route of HIV transmission ~ Substance use treatment can play an important role in helping individuals reduce risk taking behavior ~ Substance use treatment serves as a HIV prevention ~ HIV and AIDS, substance abuse disorders, and mental disorders interact in a complex fashion, each acting as a potential catalyst or obstacle in the treatment of the other two ~ Treatment goals include living substance free, slowing or halting the progression of the disease, and reducing risk taking behavior Specific populations continued ~ HIV and AIDS ~ Treating HIV and AIDS is extremely complex ~ Individuals with substance use disorders whether or not they are HIV infected are subject to the higher rates of mental disorders than the rest of the population ~ Counseling is an important part of treatment ~ Risk reduction allows for a comprehensive approach to HIV and AIDS prevention which promotes changing the substance-related and such related behaviors ~ Substance use treatment programs can help reduce the spread of other blood borne infections including hepatitis B and C viruses ~ Counselor should be familiar with Federal and state laws protecting information about client and substance abuse treatment, and state laws protecting HIV and AIDS related information Specific populations continued ~ Physical and cognitive disabilities ~ People with physical and cognitive disabilities are more likely to have a substance use disorder and are less likely to ge