23 -Case Management | Addiction Counselor Exam Review

Counselor Toolbox Podcast show

Summary: Addiction Counselor Exam Review Case Management and Service Coordination Instructor: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes Podcast Host: Counselor Toolbox, Happiness Isn’t Brain Surgery & The Addiction Counselor Exam Review Objectives ~ Define referral and service coordination within the context of case management ~ Explore why CM is necessary ~ Identify the different approaches to case management ~ Identify the CM role in service coordination ~ Define service planning ~ Identify challenges and solutions to collaboration Service Coordination: Case Management ~ A client-level collaborative process designed to: ~ Help individuals access needed services ~ Select the most appropriate services ~ Facilitate linkage with those services ~ Promote continued retention in services by monitoring participation ~ Coordination of multiple services when necessary ~ Advocate for continued participation Service Coordination: Case Management ~ Objectives of case management ~ Continuity of care ~ Accessibility: ~ Establish relationships with “gatekeepers” ~ Develop contracts or MOUs which specify ~ Available “slots” ~ Consequences for failure to implement specified activities/procedures ~ Accountability ~ Following up on the referral with client and referral resource ~ Measuring outcomes with ~ Client satisfaction ~ Client outcomes ~ Service system outcomes (i.e. reduction in cost to treat) ~ Efficiency “Know the system and make it work” Service Coordination: Case Management ~ Necessary because of poor service coordination, lack of service continuity and difficulty of clients negotiating the gap between services ~ Structure ~ Case manager who acts as the human link between the client and service providers ~ Core agency ~ Develops contracts with providers for identified services ~ Controls case management funds ~ Acts as a single point of entry for clients ~ Develops missing service elements Service Coordination: Case Management ~ Approaches ~ Intensive/Assertive Community Treatment ~ Comprehensive, multidisciplinary, community based ~ Growth ~ Paternalism ~ Clinical ~ Case manager provides many services including counseling ~ Stabilization ~ Strengths based ~ Focus on strengths and empowerment ~ Growth ~ Empowerment Service Coordination: Case Management ~ Approaches ~ Brokerage ~ Coordinates services and provides few, if any services ~ Stabilization ~ Empowerment ~ Integrated ~ Family-focused, strength-based program that uses an independent facilitator to coordinate all relevant people, including providers, family and natural supports. ~ This team then works in partnership with the family to create a safety-based comprehensive plan addressing the needs of all family members. ~ Growth Service Coordination: Case Management Principles ~ Offers a single point of contact for clients ~ Client-driven and strengths based ~ Involves advocacy ~ Between services with seemingly contradictory requirements to serve the best interests of the client ~ With agencies, families, legal systems and legislative bodies ~ May involve the recommendation of sanctions to encourage client compliance and motivation ~ Community based ~ Pragmatic “Where the client is” ~ Anticipatory based on the natural course of the client’s presenting issues ~ Flexible to individual needs ~ Culturally sensitive Service Coordination: Case Manager’s Role ~ To coordinate, manage, link, advocate and support clients in their quest to maximize their quality of life and achieve as much independence as possible ~ Basic Prerequisites and Competencies ~ Ability to establish rapport ~ Awareness of how to maintain boundaries ~ Willingness to be nonjudgmental ~ Recognize the importance of family, social networks and community in the process ~ Understand the variety of insurance and payment options available ~ Understand culture and respond in a culturally sensitive manner ~ Understand the value of an interdisciplinary approach to treatment ~ Serve as both facilitator of referrals and advocate Service Coordination: Case