292 -Individualizing Treatment for Temperaments

Counselor Toolbox Podcast show

Summary: Journey to Recovery Series Individualizing Treatment for Temperament Presented by: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes Executive Director, AllCEUs Podcast Host: Counselor Toolbox & Happiness isn’t Brain Surgery Objectives ~ Review temperament dimensions as defined by the Keirsey ~ Review temperament as defined by the DISC ~ Explore how temperament impacts treatment approaches, interventions and settings ~ Identify common goals for treatment and ways to individualize them. Keirsey/MBTI ~ Extrovert/Introvert ~ Environment ~ Awareness ~ Processing methods ~ Sensing/Intuitive ~ Details vs. Big Picture ~ Thinking vs. Feeling ~ Motivation and Decision making ~ Judging vs. Perceiving ~ Time management Temperament Extrovert ~ Are expansive; less passionate ~ Easy to get to know ~ Like meeting new people ~ Would rather figure things out while they are talking ~ Often enjoy background noise ~ Know what is going on around them rather than inside them ~ Often do not mind interruptions ~ Are often considered good talkers Introvert ~ Are intense and passionate ~ Difficult to get to know ~ Exert effort to meet new people ~ Figure things out before they talk ~ Prefer peace and quiet ~ Are more likely to know what is going on inside them ~ Dislike being interrupted ~ Are often good listeners Temperament Sensing ~ Are practical and realistic ~ Prefer facts and live in the real world ~ Content in general ~ Would rather do than think ~ Focus on practical, concrete problems ~ See the details and may ignore the big picture ~ Want specifics and tend to be very literal ~ May think that those preferring intuition are impractical ~ Believe “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it” iNtuitive ~ Are imaginative dreamers ~ Prefer abstraction, inspiration, insights ~ Live in the world of possibilities ~ Would rather think than do ~ Focus on complicated abstract problems ~ See the big picture but miss the details ~ Love word games ~ May think that those preferring the practical lack vision ~ Believe anything can be improved ~ Focus on the future and possibilities Temperament Thinking ~ Like words such as principles, justice, standards or analysis ~ Respond most easily to people’s thoughts ~ Want to apply objective principles ~ Value objectivity above sentiment ~ Can assess logical consequences ~ Believe it is more important to be just than merciful ~ Assess reality with a true/false lens ~ May think that those who are sentimental take things too personally ~ May argue both sides of an issue for mental stimulation Feeling ~ Like words such as care, compassion, mercy, intimacy, harmony, devotion ~ Respond most easily to people’s values ~ Want to apply values and ethics from multiple perspectives ~ Value sentiment above objectivity ~ Good at assessing the human impact ~ Believe it is more important to be caring/merciful ~ Assess reality with a good/bad lens ~ Think that those preferring objectivity are insensitive ~ Prefer a to agree with those around them Temperament Judging ~ Plan ahead ~ Self disciplined and purposeful ~ Thrive on order ~ Get things done early. Plan ahead & work steadily. ~ Define and work within limits ~ Maybe hasty in making decisions ~ Time and deadline oriented ~ Thinks those preferring spontaneity are too unpredictable ~ Excellent planners. May not appreciate or make use of things which are not planned or expected Perceiving ~ Adapt as they go ~ Flexible and tolerant ~ Thrive on spontaneity ~ Get things done at the last minute depending on spurt of energy ~ Want more information ~ May fail to make decisions ~ Always think there’s plenty of time ~ Think that those who are not spontaneous are too rigid ~ Good at handling unplanned events, but may not make affective choices among the possibilities. The DISC ~ The DiSC profile is a tool used for discussion of people's behavioral differences. ~ DiSC profiles help clients: ~ Increase self-knowledge of how they respond to conflict, what motivates them, what causes stress and how they solve problems ~ Improve work