293 -Understanding Learning Styles to Improve Group and Individual Interventions

Counselor Toolbox Podcast show

Summary: Journey to Recovery Series Improving Effectiveness with Different Learning Styles in Group and Individual Work Presented by: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes Executive Director, AllCEUs Podcast Host: Counselor Toolbox & Happiness isn’t Brain Surgery Objectives ~ Learn why it is important to understand learning style ~ Identify the three components of learning ~ Explore the multiple facets of learning ~ Synthesize the components and facets of learning to understand how you most effectively learn Why Do I Care? ~ You learn every day: ~ Reading/watching the news ~ Developing a new skill or hobby ~ Watching people and life ~ To change a behavior you need to: ~ Learn the function of the old behavior ~ Learn why the old behavior is not meeting your needs ~ Learn about alternate behaviors ~ Develop that knowledge into skills Learning Theory ~ Client-Partnership Model ~ Client and coach identify learning goals and methods ~ New information is linked to prior learning ~ Client undergoes an unlearning process before new information is implemented ~ Information is given over time ~ Information is tailored to the needs of the individual ~ Learning is affective, cognitive, social and behavioral Assumptions about Learners ~ Want to know why they should learn it (Motivation) ~ Intro story you can relate to… ~ Define how this will help you… ~ Are active, responsible, self-directed learners ~ Identify what you might be able to get out of this? ~ Identify how you can apply the material? ~ Bring experience to learning ~ Knowledge of primary and related topics (i.e. depression and treatment) ~ Biases primary and related topics (i.e. depression and treatment) Assumptions cont… ~ Are ready to learn when the need arises ~ How can you make mandatory learning more relevant? ~ How can you increase rewards for learning? ~ Provide Task/Problem-Oriented Learning ~ Identify something you need to learn about in order to improve your recovery or happiness. Context of Learning ~ Positive learning climate ~ How do you create that in your setting? ~ Does it differ for other people? ~ What are some examples of negative learning climates you have been in? ~ Personal characteristics ~ Self-efficacy ~ Expectations ~ Vulnerabilities/confounding issues (crisis, MH, detox) Context cont… ~ Peers ~ Stage of readiness for change ~ Co-occurring issues ~ Culture ~ Community ~ Stigma/attitudes ~ Availability of peer support ~ Significant Other Expectations ~ Identified patient/why aren’t you fixed ~ It’s not me, it’s him Motivating the Adult Learner ~ 6 factors that motivate adult learning: ~ Social relationships: ~ To make new friends and socialize ~ To improve current relationships with friends and family ~ External expectations: ~ Job/School ~ Other authority’s requirement (Doctor, probation officer) ~ Social welfare: ~ To improve ability to serve the community ~ To improve the community Motivating the Adult Learner ~ 6 factors that motivate adult learning: ~ Personal Improvement: ~ Enhance health and wellbeing ~ Professional advancement ~ Stay abreast of competitors ~ Escape/Stimulation: ~ To relieve boredom ~ Change the routine ~ Cognitive interest: To learn for the sake of learning Learning Components ~ Cognition ~ How people acquire knowledge ~ Seeing, hearing or doing ~ Conceptualization ~ How people process information ~ Abstract, specific, memory pathways ~ Affective ~ People’s motivation, decision-making styles, values and emotional preferences ~ How much does this information matter? Cognition: Knowledge Acquisition ~ Active/Reflective (When you process) ~ Processing information in the moment ~ Taking information in and having an ah-ha moment when it is assimilated ~ Action without reflection = Trouble ~ Reflection without action = Inaction Cognition: Knowledge Acquisition ~ Active/Reflective Learner Tips ~ Reflective learners ~ Think it through first ~ Prefer working alone ~ Active learners ~ Difficulty sitting quietly through lectures ~ Like group work ~ Need discussion