Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 11/21/18 - Today, still no dull moments: Filmmaker Frances Causey's new film 'The Long Shadow', a reading from Stacey Abrams book 'Minority Leader', Haki. R Madhubuti's 'Taking Bullets', The Daughters of the Confed

The Hartmann Report show

Summary: Discussing her recent article "Is it Time to Expose the Women Still Celebrating the Confederacy?" Kali Halloway talks institutional racism with Thom. She is the director of the Make it Right project, and she says their nemesis- the United Daughters of the Confederacy- is not an innocuous group. ------- Thom mind-melds with his callers on the subject of racism. Former prison laborer Tony in Alabama speaks up. We hear audio of a police shooting narrowly avoided.  ------- How Republicans hijacked the Help America Vote Act and used it to block Democrats from voting.  ------- Laura in Santa Rosa and Harriet in Llano try to figure out what in the world right-wingers are thinking, and decode Faux News codewords for racism. ------- Thom discusses the new documentary "The Long Shadow" with filmmaker Frances Causey on the eve of the film's Los Angeles premiere showing. ------- Thom reads from 'Minority Leader' by Stacey Abrams. ------- More from filmmaker Frances Causey. ------- Thom reads from 'Taking Bullets' by Haki R. Madhubuti, chapter title 'Terror Amid Perpetual Empire'.  ------- Dan in Granby says Democrats should not shift to the center, stay Progressive to win. ------- Ellen Rattner of Talk Media News knows who's been writing themselves big checks. ------- And finally, Bill in Clifton NJ asks Thom why he actually agrees with A.G. Whitaker about something.