Derech Hashem / The Way of God #75 | The Components of Creation in Detail, Part 6

Torah Thinking show

Summary: Given 6/2/2018By Rabbi Mendel Kessin Transcendental forces as the cause of reality. Transcendental forces are controlled by malachim (isarusa d’leilah - influence from above). Nature & Miracles. Anyone with free will can influence their transcendental counterpart (Isarusa d’ltatah) God can decree that there be an influence from the transcendental force to a creation despite their free will. Those with free will can also influence other things and even other people with free will and, in turn, anything those people influence. About the unconscious stream of thought, depression, anxiety, etc. People can also instruct malachim to deviate Haoras and hester Panim / Divine illumination and concealment Reward and punishment Hashem can influence the malach by shining illumination and increasing His presence Concealing His presence from that malach, allowing the Satan to enter and apply zohama Hashem may give someone success to someone to allow him to consume his entire reward in olam hazeh Hashem is on the side of all people - even goyim - to make sure they get olam habah. Only people evil to the extreme are subject to ibud - annihilation While olam habah must be achieved through earning it, Hashem does give assistance solely as a kindness even if it is undeserved