5: Inspiration

The Hustle Show: Entrepreneurs with No Filter show

Summary: Inspiration with Lakshmia Marie. On today's episode, Lakshmia from LMF Consulting Group shares with us her hustling story that she had never shared before. Lakshmia went from being homeless, living in a hotel, using Target's wifi to build her business, to owning and running an amazing digital marketing agency by the age of 23. But is not only about what she has achieved even being so young, her energy and all the struggles that she went through is what will inspire you to go for it, all in, even if it gets though, Lakshmia shares with us how she was able to keep going and what kept her motivated. We also share the same vision as Lakshmia, she runs her business as we run our show: full of transparency, honest and direct and she is a great story to share with you. So click play and enjoy the ride with Lakshmia!