The Worst Performance Review

Rework show

Summary: Annual, semi-annual, quarterly, matter what form they take, performance reviews can be anxiety-inducing workplace rituals. In today's episode, we talk to the head of HR at an HR software company (meta!) and a Basecamp designer about why helpful feedback is so difficult to give and receive—and what can be done to improve the process. Show Notes Rachel Ernst, VP of employee success at Reflektive - 00:41 Reflektive’s #MyWorstPerformanceReview contest and the winners - 2:12 Basecamp CTO David Heinemeier Hansson’s classic screed against fundraising and startup culture - 7:00 Reflektive’s press release on its $60M Series C - 7:32 Watch a real-life design review with Conor and Basecamp CEO Jason Fried - 13:46 Hey, did you know we at Basecamp haaaaaaate meetings with the fire of a thousand suns? - 19:24 Ralph Vaughan Williams Symphony No. 3 (Pastoral), 4th Movement - 26:00