PMP #105: How and when to use notes

The Paul Minors Podcast: Productivity, Business & Self-Improvement show

Summary: Having worked with hundreds of clients to help optimise their productivity tools, I keep coming across some common mistakes that people tend to make with notes. The issue I see is that people tend to overuse notes. That’s right. I think people consider notes to be “everything apps” that can handle everything to do with their productivity (read more about why you shouldn’t overlap your productivity tools). However, I find this means you end up using notes more than you should either because you're storing the wrong type of information in notes, or using notes when other types of apps may be better suited for the job. This results in a productivity system that’s less organised or efficient as it could be. So, here I am to clear things up and explain how, when and why to use note apps. Show notes » Download my productivity blueprint and learn the processes and tools I use to be more organised and achieve more in my business and home life. You'll also get my FREE 3-part video training series where I'll explain 1) 4 simple steps to supercharge your productivity 2) common mistakes to avoid 3) the 10 productivity tools I couldn't live without. Download here » If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe to the podcast. I'd also love it if you could leave me a review. Doing this will help more people discover the show so they to can get more done and get more out of life. Intro/Outro Music: "Synthia" by Scott & Brendo