FL258 – We talk about one risk taken that made Blair $20k in recurring revenue!

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: <br> In today's episode, we talk about how we helped Blair with a pricing change that resulted in $20,000.00 in recurring revenue.<br> FULL TRANSCRIPT<br> Jocelyn Sams: Hey y'all. On today's podcast, we talk about how taking one risk made Blair $20,000.00 in recurring revenue.<br> <br> Shane Sams: Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast, where life always comes before work. We're your hosts, Shane and Jocelyn Sams. We're a real family who figured out how to make our entire living online. Now, we help other families do the same. Are you ready to flip your life? All right, let's get started.<br> <br> Shane Sams: What is going on everybody? Welcome back to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast. It is great to be back with you again this week. And man, we have got an amazing success story for you guys. It is going to inspire you to take massive actions. Maybe to go in and take some of those risks that you've been avoiding, and just show you what is truly possible when you're all in, online.<br> <br> Shane Sams: I wanna welcome to the show today, Flip Your Life community member ... Oh wait, hold on. Pause. Blair, how do you pronounce your last name?<br> <br> Blair T.: Thielemier. The H is silent.<br> <br> Shane Sams: Okay. Thielemier.<br> <br> Blair T.: Yes.<br> <br> Jocelyn Sams: Yes.<br> <br> Jocelyn Sams: Tea, like I drink every morning. Tea.<br> <br> Shane Sams: Because I was about to say Thielemier.<br> <br> Blair T.: No.<br> <br> Jocelyn Sams: I can only imagine what you get called.<br> <br> Shane Sams: Wanna welcome to the show today, Flip Your Life member, Blair Thielemier. Blair, welcome.<br> <br> Blair T.: Thank you for having me.<br> <br> Jocelyn Sams: It's so exciting to have you on today. This is my favorite kinda show, as you know, if you listen to our show very often. I love it when we have people on that we have met in real life. And I have actually spent time with Blair a couple of different times. So, it's really cool to have you on today.<br> <br> Blair T.: Yeah, yeah, so I got to meet you last year in Southern California, at a Women's Leadership Conference. And then, again at Flipped Life Live. So that, was really exciting for me, too.<br> <br> Shane Sams: Yeah, Flip Your Life Live was incredible, because it was just this overwhelming emotional experience, meeting people who ... that weird feeling. It was like the Facebook affect, almost. You feel like you know each other in real life already, and then you're actually in the same place. And our brains have not evolved properly, to handle all these social media connections that we have, or these community connections that we have online, so then it's just a surreal experience, isn't it? To get in the same room with people you feel like you already know personally?<br> <br> Blair T.: And I really loved what you guys did with the Facebook group. Most conferences that you go to, once you buy your ticket, it's like, you don't get to meet anyone til you get there. But with Flipped Life Live, we had the Facebook group, and that, for me, 'cause I didn't know anyone, was really helpful to get to put names with faces, and not feel like I was going in, not knowing anyone.<br> <br> Shane Sams: Now, I really do feel like, that we knew you quite personally before the event, because we had worked together, and we had done some coaching calls. We had talked to you in the forums about some different things that you were doing online. And we kinda made some radical changes in your business. And we say radical changes, but it really was just changing one thing, right? We just kind of switched the way you were presenting an offer. And it led to this massive amount of success that we're gonna talk about in a few minutes.<br> <br> Shane Sams: But tell everybody a little bit more about you, your background, and your online business,