The Segilola Salami Show – Amazon, Nook, Kobo and more

The Segilola Salami Show show

Summary: Amazon, Kobo, Nook and more<br> Today on the show, we discuss the impact Amazon, Nook and Kobo are having on the publishing world as well as the self published book Fat Free for Life by Braxton Cosby.<br> To summarise what was discussed on this episode, before publishing on any platform, it is important you do your research. Writing your book is the easiest thing you can do on this journey. Amazon’s CreateSpace has a guide which will give you basics on book sizes, cover image quality and so on. By following their guide, it will ensure that your book has a finish that can compete with those made by traditional publishers<br> The Segilola Salami show is hosted by Segilola Salami who is also an author and self publishing strategist. Her latest book is called <a href=";linkCode=sb1&amp;camp=212353&amp;creative=380549" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow">Yetunde: An Ode to My Mother</a><br> The show is about books, books and more books but specifically self published books. The show is in the format of a round table discussion. We give tips to help self published authors and discuss an indie book (like a book club).<br> Or better still, think of it as a group of book lovers having virtual coffee discussing books.<br> Please join my authors and bloggers <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow">mailing list</a> to get notified about self published books that need reviews. I send out monthly newsletters with details of authors and their books that need honest feedback.<br><br> If you are an author and would like reviews for your books, please subscribe to my authors and bloggers mailing list.<br><br> If you are a blogger or book lover, please subscribe to the list, you will be helping a lot of self published authors immensely<br> If you would like some guidance on how to self publish your book, you can contact me for a one to one consultation<br> Here’s the link to the show on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow">YouTube</a><br> If you liked the show please like, comment and share it<br> You can get a copy of Fat Free for Life by Braxton Cosby on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow">Amazon</a>If you have found this blog post useful, you can subscribe to Segilola Salami's blog via email by visiting You can also follow Segilola Salami on Twitter<br> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Share to Facebook" class="s3-facebook hint--top"></a><a href=",%20Nook,%20Kobo%20and%20more&amp;url=" target="_blank" title="Share to Twitter" class="s3-twitter hint--top"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Share to Google Plus" class="s3-google-plus hint--top"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Share to Digg" class="s3-digg hint--top"></a><a href=";title=The%20Segilola%20Salami%20Show%20%E2%80%93%20Amazon,%20Nook,%20Kobo%20and%20more" target="_blank" title="Share to Reddit" class="s3-reddit hint--top"></a><a href=";url=" target="_blank" title="Share to LinkedIn" class="s3-linkedin hint--top"></a><a href=";title=The%20Segilola%20Salami%20Show%20%E2%80%93%20Amazon,..."></a>