The Segilola Salami Show – Writing styles for authors

The Segilola Salami Show show

Summary: Writing styles for authors<br> Today on The Segilola Salami Show, we discuss the different writing styles for authors. So what are the different writing styles for authors? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? When is best to use each type?<br> There are some freebies up for grabs, so listen to the end to find out more details. Today’s guest is <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow">Tara Turner</a>, she’s the author of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow">Beyond Good Manners: How to Raise a Sophisticated Child</a>.<br> To summarise, writing style is a personal thing, so you have to find your voice within you. Think about the type of book you are writing too. If you were to write both fiction and non-fiction, would you use the same voice? Is it appropriate to use the same voice? You alone can make that decision.<br> I read somewhere that a good writer is one who reads a lot. I think this holds true as reading a lot exposes you to a lot of other writing styles, thereby helping you find your voice.<br> So please, do read up as much as you can before you make your book available finally.<br> The Segilola Salami show is hosted by Segilola Salami who is also an author and a self publishing strategist. She provides one to one support to aspiring authors to help them self publish their own books and make a success of it. Her latest book is called <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Yetunde: An Ode to My Mother</a>. Part of the proceeds from the sales of this book goes towards helping UK Charity Jigsaw4u.<br> The show is published weekly on Tuesdays at 9am GMT London. Subscribe to the show now to listen to this and other episodes<br> Here’s the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow">link</a> to the video on YouTube. Tara has left a comment on there with how to connect with her and more details on her giveaway.<br> Join my authors and bloggers <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow">mailing list</a> to find out about self published books that need reviews. I send out monthly newsletters with details of authors and their books that need honest feedback.<br><br> If you are an author and would like reviews for your books, please subscribe to my authors and bloggers mailing list. As an author, you should be willing to review other authors’ books. You have to give to receive.<br><br> If you are a blogger or book lover, please subscribe to the list, you will be helping a lot of self published authors immensely<br> Connect with me via my<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> website</a><br> If you liked the show please like, comment, share and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">support</a> it<br><br> Share this Page <br><br> If you have found this blog post useful, you can subscribe to Segilola Salami's blog via email by visiting You can also follow Segilola Salami on Twitter<br> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Share to Facebook" class="s3-facebook hint--top"></a><a href=";url=" target="_blank" title="Share to Twitter" class="s3-twitter hint--top"></a><a href="" target="_blank" title="Share to Google Plus"></a>