Great Gildersleeve – Falling out of the Jolly Boys. ep185, 451118

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The meeting of the Jolly Boys club is called to order, and Floyd shares some complaints. He feels the club has been taking advantage of him, and not paying rent for the meeting room. Gildy is upset over not getting his bang for his buck. Should they open the club to new members?<br><br> This could be the ideal time to invite Mr Bullard into the club, if Gildy can get over his biases. Being shown the high class artifacts in the Bullard trophy rooms, Gildy is bored, until he learns of a billiard table. Common ground is discovered, and each of the gents try to make themselves out to be modest players. Has Bullard just walked into Gildy's trap to join the club so the gents can all use his table? Is the neighbor too much of a snob, or is Gildy? What about the rest of the Jolly Boys?<br><br> Once again its the night for the Jolly Boys to howl. Instead, we find Gildy calling on the Bullards, and nobody is home except for Craig and his mother. With nothing else to do, Gildy calls on Leila Ransom, but she isn't in the mood for him.<br><br> With nothing else to do, Gildy heads home, but even the kids have plans to hang out with friends. Poor old, lonely Gildy goes to hang out with Peavey. Is the falling out with the Jolly Boys too big to repair? Awkward moments are ended with apologies, and handshakes all around. <br>