LUM AND ABNER – Professor Slone’s Replacement. 441011

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Just returning from the post office, Abner has a pile of mail, but not the items Lum is expecting. With labor shortages, is he being realistic in hoping to get applications from the replacement school teacher? Lum wants to invest in the future of our nation, and pay top wages to the next teacher. <br> Professor Sloane is eager to get to his next position, and the need for his replacement is pressing. Lum needs to find someone by next week. Kids in town can be pretty rowdy, as Abner describes some of their antics. The gents think of good parting gifts to send professor Sloane on his way, and say thanks for his time in Pine Ridge. <br> An old Edwards saying seems to slip right past Abner. Those who have, gets. Some truth behind Lum’s expectation for the next teacher emerges. He claims that lady teachers make better ones than me. Although Abner points out he said the opposite, when Lum decided to hire professor Sloane. Is he picking her out for her brains? As he describes her… lets just say she has some of the prettiest brains Abner ever heard of. <br>