How Our Microbiota Affects Our Health

Positive Parenting | Mr. Dad show

Summary: <a class="alignleft" href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=9325&amp;creativeASIN=1594206287&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=mrdacom-20&amp;linkId=CO5TJTT5C6DMZXZV"></a>Justin Sonnenburg, co-authhor of The Good Gut.<br><br> Topic: Taking control of your weight, your mood, and your long-term health<br><br> Issues: The relationship between our bodies and the trillions of organisms that live in our gut; the ways those organisms (called “microbiota”) determine whether we’re sick or healthy, fit or obese, sunny or moody; why our microbiota is facing a “mass extinction event.”<br><br> <br class="clear"><br>