The Nutritional Approach to Enhancing Learning and Focus for Kids with Neurological Disorders

Positive Parenting | Mr. Dad show

Summary: <a class="alignleft" href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=9325&amp;creativeASIN=0399171789&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=mrdacom-20&amp;linkId=8ad59c1a553a12a4cf45762e494c5fbc"></a>Robert Melillo, author of The Disconnected Kids Nutrition Plan.<br> Topic: Proven strategies to enhance learning and focus for children with autism and other neurological disorders.<br> Issues: Recognize the difference between a fussy eater and a problem eater; ease the sensory issues that make for mealtime mayhem; identify food sensitivities using elimination diet; choose supplements that will ensure adequate amounts of specific vitamin and minerals for brain health.<br>