Breakthrough Natural Treatment Plan for ADHD

Positive Parenting | Mr. Dad show

Summary: <a class="alignleft" target="_blank" href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=9325&amp;creativeASIN=0451496590&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=mrdacom-20&amp;linkId=fbe52dfa30f401cb422a9e8f6e0f5029"></a>James Greenblatt, author of Finally Focused.<br> Topic: The breakthrough natural treatment plan for ADHD.<br> Issues: The Plus-Minus plan identifies nutritional and other deficits (magnesium, lithium, probiotics, omega 3s, sleep, exercise) and surpluses (sugar, copper, intestinal imbalances, food allergies) and suggests ways to overcome them.<br> <br>