Anxiety and Depression During and After Pregnancy

Positive Parenting | Mr. Dad show

Summary: <a class="alignleft" target="_blank" href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=9325&amp;creativeASIN=1442273909&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=mrdacom-20&amp;linkId=389b132581f58e0ba246dfcaddaf8998"></a>Rebecca Fox Starr, author of Beyond the Baby Blues. @Mommyeverafter – Instagram: mommyeverafter<br> Topic: Anxiety and depression during and after pregnancy.<br> Issues: Recognizing prenatal depression and anxiety (called “prenatal distress”); why prenatal distress is so rarely diagnosed; what women suffering from prenatal distress need to do; what dads and others can do to help; the connection between prenatal distress and postpartum depression.<br> <br>