Opioids as a Community Crisis, Part Four: Not enough beds (Episode 47)

The Morning Call Podcast show

Summary: As The Morning Call's health reporter Binghui Huang puts it, there are simply not a lot of places where separate healthcare entities come together to solve multiple problems. When it comes to the opioid epidemic, it's all about solving co-mingled hoards of problems, requiring a complicated coordination of resources and services. People at the front lines of the opioid crisis are facing it as such. But how can they work within a health system infrastructure that is so fragmented? "Treatment" was the theme of our fourth expert roundtable discussion on the opioid crisis. And those who we gathered at The Morning Call this month gave us some hope in the direction of bridging these divides. Reporters Huang and Carol Thompson discuss what we learned. Go to themorningcall.com/opioids for videos, analysis and more. Valley View is a production of The Morning Call in Allentown, Pennsylvania, sponsored by the Lehigh Center for Clinical Research. Kayla Dwyer is the host and producer. Music in this episode is by George Beck, Bob Bradley, Paul Lawler and Martyn Swain.