BRCA and Ovarian Cancer

Women's Healthcast show

Summary: September is Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month, which seemed like a great opportunity to learn more about BRCA. When present, BRCA mutations can increase our risk of certain types of cancer, including breast and ovarian cancer.  In this episode of the Women's Healthcast, Dr. Lisa Barroilhet talks about how BRCA mutations work, the risks and benefits of genetic testing, and what a positive BRCA test means for cancer treatment and prevention. Dr. Barroilhet is a gynecologic oncologist and ovarian cancer expert in the UW-Madison Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. If you’re in the Madison area and would like to support gynecologic cancer research happening at the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center, please join us on September 29 for our annual Sparkle of Hope Gala. Meet the researchers and providers working to improve gynecologic cancer care and celebrate with survivors and families. More information and tickets are available at