BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> [Guest Host Rebecca Casey]<br> Today I want to talk about HERO’s. Let’s start with the definition of “HERO” – A Hero is someone who uses whatever they have for the benefit of others.<br> Heroes have all different abilities and powers and resources but what makes them heroes is not what they have but how they use what they have. We all have different abilities and resources and whatever you have God gave it to you so you could become a hero. If you use what you have no matter how big or small it may seem, if you use it to benefit others, then you are a hero. And you were born to be a hero.<br> Now I am sure there are many of us out there who just don’t feel like heroes. We want to be. We want to do things that matter, find meaning and purpose, do something of significance, change peoples lives but we just don’t feel like we are. I feel you. I’ve been there.<br> So how do we change that? What is stopping us or holding us back? ONE WORD – FEAR. Fear suppresses us, it holds us back. More than anything else I think fear keeps us from being the heroes we were born to be.<br> We are afraid of all kinds of things. Loss. Death. Failure. Loneliness. Rejection. Ridicule. What’s even worse is that FEAR not only keeps us from being the heroes we were born to be- it keeps us from living the lives we were meant to live. Fear keeps us living little, living safe. Staying inside our comfort zone. How many relationships have been ruined, careers spoiled, opportunities wasted, experiences avoided because we were afraid? We miss out on so much of what is good in life because we avoid it.<br> Now fear isn’t always a bad thing. You see a bear, you are afraid and you run. Good fear. When fear takes over, it becomes destructive and controls us and has us running from everything, not just bears. Example, your kids or your friends invite you to the lake or to swim and you aren’t in love with your body so you decline. Girl you don’t have to love your body but you need to love yourself and others enough to not let fear ruin you from a great time splashing with your kids or your friends. They will remember the fun mom who splashed and got wet with them, you will have photos and great memories of that water fight because you said yes. Or your friends will say, No, she never comes so I’m not asking again. GIRL – Say no to fear controlling your life. It is robbing you.<br> So lets talk about this within reference to the bible – this is a devotional after all – I’m getting there. Let’s talk about Jesus being God in the flesh, lets talk about his fear. In Mark chapter 8, the story of his life slows down a bit as Jesus begins to prepare his followers for what is about to happen next, his death. They think he is going to become a new king. He knows he is going to be betrayed, arrested and killed and he tries to tell them and prepare them. They don’t believe it. Chapter 14 , the moment has arrived, they have just finished Passover. Jesus takes his closest followers to Gesthemane.<br> Mark 14:32-34<br><br> They went to a place called Gesthemane, and Jesus said to his disciples, “Sit here while I pray.” He took Peter, James and John along with him and he began to be deeply distressed and troubled. “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death, he said to them. “Stay here and keep watch.”<br> Jesus is overwhelmed. He knows what is coming. He feels human emotions, like we do. He is overwhelmed so he leaves his followers and goes off to pray.<br> Mark 14:35<br><br> Going a little further, he fell to the ground and prayed that if possible the hour might pass from him.<br> He falls to the ground and begs. Don’t make me do it. Let this hour pass.<br> Mark 14:37-38<br><br> Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. “Simon, he said to Peter, “are you asleep? Couldn’t you keep watch for one hour? Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.