FL256 – We help Janet take her Spanish education business to the next level.

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: <br> In today's episode, we help Janet overcome obstacles and set goals to focus on increasing membership revenue.<br> FULL TRANSCRIPT<br> Jocelyn Sams: Hey, y'all on today's show, we help Janet take her Spanish education business to the next level.<br> <br> Shane Sams: Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast where life always comes before work. We're your hosts Shane and Jocelyn Sams. We're a real family that figured out how to make our entire living online. Now, we help other families do the same. Are you ready to Flip Your Life? All right, let's get started.<br> <br> Shane Sams: What is going on everybody? Welcome back to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast. It is great to be back with you again this week. Super excited to have another real member of the Flip Your Life Community, a real person out there starting, building and growing their own online business so they can change their family's future. We're here to help them take their business to the next level and let you guys listen in so that you can take your online business to the next level as well. We are really, really excited today because we have Janet Jimenez on the podcast. Janet, how are you doing?<br> <br> Janet Jimenez: Good. Thanks for having me.<br> <br> Shane Sams: Did I say that right? Jimenez or Jimenez? How do you say it?<br> <br> Janet Jimenez: You're pretty close to it, it's Jimenez.<br> <br> Shane Sams: Okay. Janet Jimenez. How do you spell that for me? Spell that out for us.<br> <br> Janet Jimenez: Okay. It's got a J, J-i-m-e-n-e-z.<br> <br> Shane Sams: So before I got on air, I just went straight Kentucky, uneducated redneck on Janet. I said, hey Janet, I'm going to introduce you as Janet Geminiz, and she was like, no, that is not.<br> <br> Jocelyn Sams: except you're not, 'cause that's not my name.<br> <br> Shane Sams: Except you're not because that's not how we pronounce that at all.<br> <br> Janet Jimenez: Well, I thought for a big sports fan. You would know how to pronounce the last name there.<br> <br> Jocelyn Sams: No, actually. I probably would have because I like to talk about how I did take four years of Spanish in high school. Unfortunately that was 20 years ago and I remember very little of it, which is sad, but I do remember that.<br> <br> Shane Sams: Jocelyn is amazing because she can read it and understand it, but not always speak it in like, so we'll go places where there's like Spanish speaking and she'll kind of know what's going on. But she doesn't ever use it so I can't even imagine how good she would be at it if we just dropped her into a Spanish speaking country for a year. She could probably be fluent.<br> <br> Janet Jimenez: Oh yeah. To just be immersed and then you'll pick it up.<br> <br> Jocelyn Sams: yeah exactly. I love going places though and just trying to see if I can read things. A lot of times I can still read. It's just the Kentucky Spanish that I learned, I don't think the speaking was always very accurate.<br> <br> Shane Sams: That's where we know the Geminiz not Jimenez, you know what I'm saying?<br> <br> Jocelyn Sams: Well my teacher her parents were from Puerto Rico, so I mean hers was really good but just trying to learn it was kind of hard. All right, well let's jump in. I love these kind of podcasts because we've actually met you in real life, which is super cool.<br> <br> Shane Sams: Janet is also a member of our all access mastermind. So we get to talk to her quite a bit over the phone.<br> <br> Jocelyn Sams: And I love talking to people that we have met in real life because you just already have a rapport with them, which is really cool. So let's jump into a little bit about you, your background, and what you are doing online.<br> <br> Janet Jimenez: Sure. So I am a mom of six. I have five children plus a stepson. My husband is from the Dominican Republic,