TAP007: Changing iTunes Author Name, Cover Art, and Waveform Visualization

The Audacity to Podcast show

Summary: I take some time to answer questions on Audacity and podcasting. Please support our content We have expenses for our podcasts. Please look at these options for how you can support us by supporting our sponsors (or outright hiring me). Make your message look great by hiring me to personally design your website, presentation, podcast cover art, and more! Visit D.Joseph Design to view my portfolio and request an estimate. Save money by shopping at Amazon.com. Inspired to podcast again Don't wait until the planets align to start podcasting again! Just jump in, but try not to make it a huge ocean, which will just sweep you back on shore. How to change the "author" in iTunes You can't just change the individual MP3s to have the correct author displayed in iTunes, you also have to change the RSS/XML information. This is easy if you use Feedburner. Go into your Feedburner settings. Click your podcast's feed. Switch to the Optimize tab and then click SmartCast. If SmartCast is activated, you'll be able to change your podcast author field to your desired name (your real name, your company, your podcast network, or whatever!). Which visualization in Audacity? Waveform or Waveform (dB)? Both visualization methods are handy depending on what you're doing. Waveform shows you the shape of your audio, not necessarily its volume. Waveform (dB) shows your audio's volume, which is great for seeing how much noise you're recorded while you're not speaking, but it can be harder for editing. Mono or stereo for voice-only podcast? Unless you have a really good reason to release your podcasts in stereo (such as special effects, audio drama, music or sound clips), then mono will always be half the size (taking up less hosting space and bandwidth) and thus download twice as fast. How can you get cover art to display on iPods (or other players)? Having your podcast cover art in iTunes or your RSS feed is not enough, you also need to add it to each released episode by inserting it in the ID3 tags. Although iTunes can do this, it saves tags in an different, not-so-compatible version (ID3v2.2). You can use MP3tag (free, Windows-only) or ID3 Editor ($15, Windows or Mac) to easily insert your cover art into each file. I recommend 600x600 pixels, but 300x300 is also okay. If you need great-looking cover art, please contact me because I'm a designer! I currently use MP3tag on my Mac OS X computer. How? I use Code Weavers Crossover to run Windows applications seamless in OS X without installing Windows (like Parallels Desktop for Mac requires). Do you have questions? Please ask your questions or share your thoughts here in the comment, email feedback@TheAudacitytoPodcast.com, or call our listener voicemail line at (903) 231-2221. Also follow me on Twitter and please consider leaving a five-star review for the show in iTunes. If you enjoy The Audacity to Podcast™, please subscribe to our other podcasts on the Noodle.mx Network: Are You Just Watching?™ and the Ramen Noodle™.