208 Forward Bold One

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> God is calling you forward. He’s calling you boldly onward to your destiny. A pursuit of your purpose is ahead, will you go forward? They say fortune favors the bold, therefore those who sit and stew, those who get stuck in their own head, those who delay and defer are often passed over and left behind. How very unfortunate. How unfortunate to miss the favor that has been planned for you.<br> Did you know God has favor not only available for you, but planned for you? Psalm 5:12 says “you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.” Before you dismiss yourself from his favor because you believe you will never be righteous, understand the meaning here. The Message translation describes the righteous as a “God seeker”. Isn’t that you? Isn’t that what you’re here doing? You’re seeking God. You’re seeking his will. You’re seeking his way. As a God seeker, you are surrounded by favor.<br> Knowing this favor is planned for you, won’t you be bold today in moving forward? Will you take the next step on your journey?<br> For some listening, you’ve already felt the stirring of God’s calling in your life. You’ve already been given a whisper of his plans. A seed has been growing within you and you’ve seen a glimpse of what God is preparing you for. And perhaps it scares you. You have a long list of why you can’t and why it won’t work, and yet you still feel a pull towards a destiny that seems out of reach. Here is your word today: FORWARD BOLD ONE!<br> Dare to give life and breath to this dream. Dare to tell others about it. Will you be so bold as to present this idea, this plan, this vision you have been given that still seems quite ridiculous? Will you be so bold to speak into that which God has been stirring within you? Will you go forward?<br> That’s what God wants of you today … forward motion. It takes no courage to stay where you already are, you know what that looks like. Yes it may be comfortable, but it’s sucking the life out of you! FORWARD BOLD ONE.<br> Not everyone is so bold. Many have sold out to the easy way. Many have settled into the rut of the ordinary. And they have allowed the favor which had their name on it to pass by them. BUT NOT YOU. No, no, no, not you. You are no longer satisfied with the rut of the ordinary. You are no longer seeking easy. You’re a God seeker. You desire the destiny you were created for. You’re hungry for the life available to you. You are ready to move forward. You are grabbing for the favor destined for you. Stand up and get it sister. Chase after what you missed before when you were hunkering down and playing little.<br> Now, warning to my fellow forward moving, bold God seekers … this journey will not be easy. But the good news is we already said we were no longer seeking easy, right? This journey will not be straight nor quick. You will endure many storms on this journey. Storms which beat you down and weather you. You’ll come out soaking wet and stronger. You will endure the hot flames of the fire on this journey. Fire which feels absolutely miserable in the moment, unbearable heat that pushes you back. You’ll come out smelling smoky and refined. This process is often painful, but the wheat must be separated from the chaff. Layers peeled back to reveal the treasure within.<br> For others listening, if you’re being honest, you’re straight up confused what God is trying to do in your life. There have been no whispered plans. You feel no seed growing within, no glimpses of preparation from God. I’ve been there. That still, quiet season of life where you feel God has gone silent. Maybe he’s given up on you? Maybe it’s too late for you? Maybe he found someone else better for the job he had planned for you? No! Let me tell you what is happening here … ...