Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 11/12/18 : Who should Democrats run in 2020 for president? Is it a case of good, better, Beto? And, Igor Volsky is asking America to please put the guns down. Plus- health insurance company corruption, spies on the

The Hartmann Report show

Summary: Thom reviews Trump's disregard of veterans both on his recent trip to the French Armistice observation and upon his return to the US. Trump protected his hair instead of laying a wreath on the grave of the unknown soldier, sent the troops to whip up immigrant fears, and disregarded military mail-in ballots in his rush to see the elections settled. ------ Climate change contributed to California's historic fires, but Trump's blames the victims for not cutting enough lumber, and threatens to withhold federal funding to California. ----- Igor Volsky of Guns Down, America says we need to financially drain the NRA, and organize Americans to reduce gun violence. ----- Thom reads from 'Fierce Enigmas, A history of the Unites States in South Asia' by Srinath Raghavan.  ----- Wendell Potter on is taking corruption in the big health insurance companies, and he knows where the bodies are buried. ----- The latest word on the news with Talk Media News' Ellen Rattner.  ----- Thom on the bad behavior of the jetstream, German public education and why our schools suck. ----- Bob in Oklahoma says 'Anything Trump can do, we can do Beto'.....