Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 11/14/18 - The House Progressive Caucus leader Mark Pocan is getting down to business, and he's ready to take calls about it too. Luke Vargas knows what Theresa May coooked up for Brexit. And MSNBC's Lawrence O'Don

The Hartmann Report show

Summary: Congressman Mark Pocan- the House Progressive Caucus leader- talks with the people about our expectations and aspirations as the Democratic blue wave washes over the House of Representatives. -----  Greg Palast is fresh back from getting arrested for facing Bryan Kemp in Florida as reporter, and sneaking into a Trump rally. ----- Foreign Correspondent Luke Vargas tells Thom what Theresa May cooked up for Brexit.... and how Venezuela plans to computer-track its citizens with Chinese technology. ----- Thom reads from 'Playing with Fire' by Lawrence O'Donnell. ----- MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell of television's "Last Word" program speaks about his new book, "Playing with Fire" and shares Thom's recognition of the striking similarities between Beto O'Rourke and the charismatic appeal of the late Robert F. Kennedy. ----- Howard in Indiana and Thom both quote Alexis de Tocqueville's predictions for democracy- he totally called it. And finally, Gary in West Virginia has some advice regarding pigs.