Shake up your Spiritual Experience with Hualani - Jul 20,2011

VividLife Radio | Blog Talk Radio Feed show

Summary: Join host Shasta Townsend and medicine women Hualani as they shake up your spiritual experience Hualani, aka Janice Mark, is a wisdom keeper and as such, a medicine woman, mystic, and ceremonialist. She's renowned for “shaking up” your spiritual practice – to re-source the mystery of womb wisdom and weave this luminosity into the outer world. People refer to her evocative vocal style as “powerfully stirring”, and her transformational performances as a “Musical Ministry,” an engaging and empowering communication that generates an ancient message in the art of living our wild spirit that transcends earthly lineage and yet, speaks to the core of our humanity. Fully embrace the language of your soul in sacred alliance, with a woman who is recognized for her gifts of life enrichment and as a specialist in conscious conception in the realms of fertility and sexual vitality, evolutionary relationship, ecstatic birthing and right livelihood. Hualani is the founder of the WORLD'S VIRTUAL WOMYN'S TEMPLE, an online membership retreat dedicated to women's empowerment and the visionary director of ORIGINAL WOMYN ALLIANCE, a global community for celebrating sublime sisterhood - a new women's movement of feminine leadership for unveiling our sacred in a whole new light. Her wealth of spiritual lineage, shamanic savvy, practical enterprising spirit and courageous compassion inspires an atmosphere of spiritual succulence and an experience that magically sparks profound shifts, as the mystery of life awakens your greatest gift to the world!