The Abraham Path, A Path to World Peace - Aug 02,2011

VividLife Radio | Blog Talk Radio Feed show

Summary: Join Connections Radio hosts Cynthia James and Dr Jordan Paul as they chat about a path to world peace with revered mediator William Ury… William Ury, one of the most revered mediators in the world today, has stepped squarely into the cauldron of conflict known as the Middle East to create a powerful new approach for world peace and personal peace. The focus of today's program is the Abraham Path, Ury's initiative that seeks to connect the human family step by step by creating a permanent route of cross cultural tourism and pilgrimage that traces the footsteps of Abraham, the unifying figure of many faiths and people. William L. Ury co-founded Harvards Program on Negotiation and is currently a Senior Fellow of the Harvard Negotiation Project. He is the author of many best-selling books and co-author of Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, that has sold eight million copies and been translated into over thirty languages. Over the last 30 years, Ury has served as a negotiation adviser and mediator in conflicts ranging from corporate mergers to wildcat strikes in a Kentucky coal mine to ethnic wars in the Middle East, the Balkans, and the former Soviet Union. With former President Jimmy Carter, he co-founded the International Negotiation Network, a non-governmental body seeking to end civil wars around the world. Contact:, Everyday Hero: Dottie Indyke, Executive Director of Creativity For Peace, focused on developing the next generation of female leaders and peacemakers in Israel and Palestine. Contact: